
"Educational Tapping" describes the act of "tapping" a smart device (e.g. smartphone, smartwatch) on a reader device to perform a transaction.


We are developing the digital campus card of the future for the smartphone. For every member of the higher education community, students, faculty, staff and affiliates. It enables you to easily access services by tapping. Our mission is to fulfill the interoperability vision of the European Student Card. eduTAP is your educational ID and a collection of service passes in the digital wallet. It enables you to:

  • tap to identify yourself,
  • tap to claim a discount,
  • tap to pay,
  • tap to open a door,
  • tap to lend a book,
  • tap to take a campus shuttle.

no app, just tap!

eduTAP the Concept

  • leveraging the possibilities of digital wallets and smart devices
  • use a devide-and-conquere priciple and split integrated campus cards into
    • a harmoized (standard) identity pass for Higher Education Institutions, based on Verifibale Credentials (ISO/IEC 18013-5)
    • separate service passes for each individual on-site service
    • make those service passes aquirable via eduGAIN-Login, and discoverable via a centralized service directory
    • let service providers decide the base technology of the pass, based on their needs and security requirements
  • enable on-site service access to all members in the Higher Education Community (Students, Faculty, Staff, Employee and Affiliates)

eduTAP the Software

The eduTAP software is software written by the eduTAP community to enable Higher Education Instituitions to

  • create, issue, and manage passes within digital wallets
  • interact with wallet passes to give access to services, identify, and verify the status of students and staff

The eduTAP software is distributed as open source, where possible under the European Union Public Licence v. 1.2 or above, or other open source Licences as Apache 2.0 or similar if the underlying Frameworks require that.

The full software can be found on the Github eduTAP Organization.


For users

  • easily obtaining passes for specific services
  • ensure secure and respecting privacy

For Service Providers

  • a secure and trustworthy solution to validate student status

Project Goals

  • for Europe and the world,
  • decentralized, secure and state-of-the-art,
  • compliant (e.g. GDPR, vendor-neutral),
  • updates are easily possible,
  • accessible,
  • follow European jurisdiction requirements,
  • community-governed free and open-source software,
  • favourable adaption possible.

Project Team

Alexander Loechel(LMU Munich • Project Lead)
Jose Filipe Alves(U.Porto)
Morgan Persson(Lunds universitet)
Christine Baumgartner(Project Management)
Jens Klein(Developer)
Philip Auersperg(Developer)

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A Project by